Friday, 30 October 2009

Harold Miller (09001662)

Student: Harold Miller (09001662)
Chosen blog: Digital Media Minute
Chosen post: Good GUI Design

The blog that I chose is called Digital Media Minute. The author of the blog remains mostly anonymous for unknown reasons, possibly to avoid too much backlash from any controversial statements made. The only hint of who the authors are come from the comments where only their first names appear such as “Tom.” I assume that there are also multiple authors working on this because the writing style does seem to differ often and also because the blog is updated often; usually once a day.

The topics are varied, but mostly cover web and software development. They provide tips and programming guides on such things as HTML, JavaScript, Ruby, and MySQL. They also cover how these technologies influence the individual user and society as a whole.

The audience that the blog is trying to attract is obviously the software and web developers and to an extent the general user. The reason why I would say that it is targeted more towards professionals is that some of the language used can be technical at times, and I doubt most of the general populace would want a link to a PHP programming guide. However there are many posts that cater towards the average person. There are many reviews on certain products such as iPhone apps.

The comments sections of the blogs are pretty barren. For most of the posts there are no comments, but on a few there are one or two. A couple of them seem to come from other bloggers and on occasion one of the authors will comment back.
The page layout is pretty standard. Up top they have the links to the other parts of the site such as Home and the Archive. Also there are a couple graphics but nothing too fancy. Then below that is where the posts are and after each post there is the comments section.

My favorite post is the Good GUI Design post. I liked this post the most because it deals in a subject that I am very interested in. It talks about the group 10GUI and their approach to the next generation of desktop interaction. It deals with how they are working to move past the traditional mouse design and move into a multi-touch design. It also moves on to how the software is affected by this. They talk about con10uum which is how they see the way application windows on a desktop should be arranged. There is also a video embedded that details their work. It is a very interesting video and I can’t wait until I get my chance to test out this new technology.

My comments on blogs:

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