Friday, 30 October 2009

Student: Donnchadh Ó Foghlú(09004352)
Chosen blog: The Official Google Blog(
Chosen post: Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave(

The blog i have chosen for this assignment is googleblog.blogspot.(

The main purpose of this site is to give insight to google users into products,tecnology and google culture.
The blog authors are generally google engineers and designers but there is no specific aouthor. All of the topics are related to google apps,tecnology ect. The most recent posts are based on the the latest applications such as google wave and google music search. The blog is regularly updated with new posts. There seems to be posts added every 2-3 days.

The blog is very well layed out and is easy to use with every post sorted by a label. There are also links on the sidebar to the most recent and popular posts. Each post contains several links but there is no option for commenting on any of the blogs.

The target audience for the blog would be all google users who would be interested in new and upcoming ideas,applications and technologies.

My favourite post : Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave(
It was posted by Lars Rasmussen, a Software Engineering Manager and one of the creators of the idea.

Google Wave is "a personal communication and collaboration tool" announced by Google at the Google I/O conference on May 27, 2009. It is a web-based service, computing platform, and communications protocol designed to merge e-mail, instant messaging, wikis, and social networking. It has a strong collaborative and real-time focus supported by extensions that can provide, for example, spelling/grammar checking, automated translation among 40 languages, and numerous other extensions.

I chose this post because i have a keen interest in this new product. It is highly talke about and although it has not yet been released it is said that it is goig to be the next big thing and a new direction for technology and the internet. I personally think it will have a huge affect on how internet communication evolves in the future.

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