Thursday, 29 October 2009

Niall Bromell (09003996)

Chosen Blog:
Just Another iPhone Blog

Other Blogs Followed:
TechCrunch, Sony EU PlayStation Blog

Number of Posts a Day:

The blog is written by a number of authors.
Patrick Jordan
Josh Gard
Diego Petrucci

Target Audience:
Users of the iPhone (and to a lesser extend, iPod Touch).

Language Used:
The language is mainly casual and simple. Humour is often used, and in one particular post, reviewing the “CameraReporter PRO” app, the article is less a review than the author mocking the poorly worded description of the application given by the developers, for example;

This camera app, which timestamps all of your pictures as you take them, gives you all the tools to “show them you was really there”, “show them how high you was”, and best of all…”shock your friends that you something really did”. I often have a lot of trouble shocking my friends and proving that I something really did (why don’t they me believe?!), so I think this app could be a real life-saver for me.

Layout & Embedded Artifacts:
The design of the page is for the most part, clear. The articles are kept on the left hand side of the page, with the vast majority of the advertisements taking up a smaller space on the right of the page. It can be difficult to go through older articles however, as they are bunched together at the bottom of pages. The blog doesn’t generally seem to embed any videos, though they do provide pictures of the various apps they are reviewing.

There is a good amount of interaction taking place on the blog between the authors and the readers. Though they do not reply to every comment, they do reply to most of them, although some posts require the reader to be registered, and all posts require validation by the authors.

Chosen Post & Why I liked It:
“LogMeIn Ignition – Remote Access To All Your PCs, Macs, & Servers From Your iPhone – And It Works!”

I chose the post because of all the apps reviewed by the blog, this one interested me the most. Despite the high price of the app (listed by the blog as $29.99) I think that it may be one of the most useful apps to come out for the iPhone. The app allows the user to log into their own computer (as well as any other computer that has authorised your account) and use its programs, features, and correct any possible problems that the computer may be experiencing.

For example, the author of the post , Josh Gard, explained how he managed to log into his mothers computer from his iPhone while suck in a traffic jam in order to fix a problem that he had been unable to talk her through over the phone. He said “What would have taken me 20 minutes or more to walk her through verbally, I was able to accomplish in under five minutes with LogMeIn on my iPhone.”. He also used a second example - where he was able to solve a problem with his company’s database while waiting in line for coffee, using his iPhone, and was able to get the faulty application back online as he waited for his coffee, which shows the power of the app. He also mentions that while it is expensive, it is worth every penny.

Comments Left:
Camera ReporterPRO

Wordpress 2.0

Reel Director Video Editor

D-Day For Facebook App Developers

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