Friday, 30 October 2009

Kevin Hosey (09003993)

Student: Kevin Hosey 09003993
Chosen blog: Electronic Musician
Chosen post: Propellerhead Software Record 1 (Mac/Win) Review

The blog that I have chosen for this assignment is Electronic Musician. This blog is the official blog for the magazine Electronic Musician. Electronic Musician focuses on music-production technology and techniques for musicians and recording engineers. This blog includes reviews and news of recording and live performance equipment, electronic musical instruments, and music production hardware and software. There are no defined authors for this blog so I would presume it is maintained by the people who write the magazine. However this blog has many guest authors who post reviews on products and give their opinions.

This blog has new posts every couple of days so there is no shortage of articles to read. Some days may have a one or two posts and others have many posts so the posts seem to be very constant.

The target audience for this blog is musicians who record and produce in a home or personal studio and obviously sound engineers. Therefore the language used in many of the post and reviews is fairly complex and alot of technological terms and even musical terms are used. So if you have any sort of interest in recording or producing you will be inticed by this blog just like i was.

The layout of this blog is very accessible as the menu bar along the top helps you navigate to where you want to go. The posts contain pictures and vidoes of the topics and there are also links to tutorial vidoes on many of the software posts. On the left hand side of the blog there are polls which you can participate in and there are also likns to follow this blog on Twitter and Facebook.

From what i saw there wasn’t alot of interaction between the audience and the authors. Many of the posts didn’t have any comments and it was easy to see which ones were most popular as they had alot of commets. I recall seeing one post with 13 comments, each one longer than the next.

My favourite post from this blog was “Propellerhead Software Record 1 (Mac/Win) Review”. This post was a review of the new recording software from a company called Propellerhead. Many of Propellerhead’s previous products have proven to be very popular in home studios and this new addition seems to be getting more attention than any previous product. The reason why I enjoyed this post was because I currently use software called Reason, which is Propellerheads most popular software. I think that this review was very detailed and it gave me a very clear idea of what to expect from this new package.

Other blogs followed:

My comments on blogs:




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