Thursday, 29 October 2009

Student: Davis Gould-Duff
Student id: 09007494
Blog: In Bloom On The Double: [ ]

The blog that i have chosen to review is "In Bloom On The Double" by Podcomplex. Podcomplex is a web site edited and managed by Dan Foley. Dan Foley is a musician, producer, writer, designer and webmaster from county Offaly Ireland. he is currently working as a search marketing consultant for a multinational internet company in Dublin, and he runs Nantiploop recording studios. he has a masters degree in multimedia systems from TCD and a primary degree in communications studies from DCU. He produces music as Canabrism, and manages a number or websites in addition to podcomplex. he is also an author of his own book called "Antistar".

The web site podcomplex is dedicated to preaching the latest news about music technology, production and handy tips for getting the most out of your studio as well as the latest in music software and hardware. There are a lot of different techniques covered on the blogs that are used in production, Some of these techniques covered are mic set-up and positioning, doubling, and how to release the songs in the end. With everything covered from mp3 files to chocolate records!! no your not going mad, i said CHOCOLATE records!!

The web site releases roughly 10 posts a week in the "music technology" part with more being released in the "digital arts workshop"," digital music", "live performance" and the "sales and promotion" sections of the website. I only followed the music technology side of podcomplex because i have a higher interest in this section than any of the others on podcomplex. I think that the website is aimed at people over twenty years old who have a good music background and/or a high interest in music and music theory. it also has a very user friendly layout and easy to understand language with plenty off videos and pictures.

The blog that i picked is about a production technique that Butch Vig used when he produced the Nevermind album by Nirvana. The production technique that Butch used is called "doubling".
Doubling is where the singer sings one track of there song and then they record a second track of the same some. when it is done correctly and the to tracks have similar timing, then both tracks are played at the same time with one being paned hard left and the other hard right. A bit of delay can be added to create more of an effect. This naturally adds a lot of depth, width and texture to the song.

The most famous example of doubling with the singers voice would be in the song "In Bloom" by Nirvana, in this song both Kurt Cobain's and Dave Grohl's voices have been doubled. But doubling is not restricted to singers voices, in fact it can be used on any instrument, there are many examples of this shown on the blog just from the Nevermind album. Doubling is now a very popular technique used in pop vocals and many other areas of music.

my comments:

for some reason my 3 comments on gizmodo where never posted because they haven't been auditioned yet.

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